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Tell-Tale Signs You Have Mice On The Property

EPC Pest Control Services

Published: February, 2023

Mice are a huge problem for many homeowners. These pests steal food, cause damage, and make a general nuisance of themselves. But what can you actually do about this? The first step is determining if there are actually mice on the property. To figure out if you have these pests, keep a watch for the following tell-tale signs.

Are there mice on the property? 

The biggest sign of mice are droppings and urine. These pests defecate and urinate constantly. Large numbers of mice will eventually deposit thousands of droppings. These droppings are dark brown and taper towards the end. They are also about a quarter of an inch long and can transmit diseases.

Another sign of mice on the property are bad odours. This comes from the mice urinating everywhere. What you’re looking for is a musty, ammonia-tinged smell. This smell will be particularly prevalent near to the areas where mice are living.

Also keep a watch for damage. Mice will chew on almost anything. What they most enjoy chewing on is cardboard, wood, and plastic. Essentially, anything which is soft and chewable, could be targeted by mice.

One of the biggest signs of mice and a mouse infestation on the property is damage to food. Remember, these pests are mostly looking for food. They go after anything which is stored in a container they can access. This mostly includes plastic bags and cardboard boxes. For example, mice will damage boxes of pasta and cereal, bags of bread, and so on. If you spot damage to these items, then you probably have mice. Finally, keep your ears peeled for strange noises. These noises will most often come from your ceilings and walls. They will include scratching sounds and also squeaking.

What can you do if you have mice?

So what can you do if there are mice on the property? One thing you can do to get rid of mice is buy poison and leave it near to where you think the mice are living. You should only do this if it can be safely and should be avoided if you have pets or children. Mice are not nearly as tenacious as rats, and supermarket poison will often kill them. You can also place mouse traps near to their living areas. These are also highly effective (when baiting these traps, avoid cheese. Peanut butter is a far better bait.) These can be live capture traps or those that kill mice.

Something else you can do is store your food more securely. Place all food in plastic containers, or jars, and put them in cupboards that close properly. Also make sure to secure your bins. If mice can no longer find food, then they may leave by themselves. Something else which might help is a cat. Mice are terrified of cats and will sometimes leave if one is in the building. You may also want to consider calling an exterminator.

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